british wines

British Wines for British Embassies

Conservative MP Nusrat Ghani who represents Wealden, Sussex at the heart of Britain’s wine renaissance, is calling on Britain’s Embassies and High Commissions around the world to serve only British wines.

Post Brexit

British wines could “oil the wheels” of the upcoming Brexit negotiations, she claimed. She is promoting a change in the law, commanding the Diplomatic Service to serve British wines at Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates around the world? “In a post-Brexit world, we must do all we can to get behind industries that show the sort of potential of our wine industry,” she said.

Our 500 or so vineyards produce around 5 million bottles of English wine each year. Our winemakers are winning prizes at the highest level. We can compete with more established producers in France, Italy and Spain.

Royal Leadership

The Queen and the Prime Minister already serve British wines at official functions.

MP Support

MPs unanimously backed the Diplomatic Service (United Kingdom Wines and Sparkling Wines) Bill and it will be debated further on March 24. However, without Government support it is unlikely to become law .

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